Fakta om Investorkvinder

Fakta om investorkvinder vil overraske de fleste – kvinder især!

Jeg har samlet en række studier, der viser, hvorfor kvinder, der vælger at investere selv, klarer det bedre end mænd. Det vil komme bag på de fleste af jer mænd, der læser med hér. Men også kvinderne selv.

Jeg håber dette medvirker til at overbevise flere af jer kvinder om, at I har evnerne – og flere af jer mænd om, at I med fordel kan lytte til jeres kvinder, når de investerer, så I opnår et bedre afkast. Kvinderne vil i forvejen lytte til jer, fordi I ved mere.  Så lyt og knyt – og lær af hinanden…


Women-run hedge funds             

Despite exclusion from old boys’ club, women outperform the industry.

According to the report, women-run hedge funds produced a return of 8.95 percent through the third quarter of 2012. By contrast, the flagship industry-wide performance index, the HFRX Global Hedge Fund, yielded a 2.69 percent net return over the same period.



For Mother’s Day, Give Her Reins to the Portfolio

Fess up, fellows: The masters of the universe have turned out to be masters of disaster. No matter which aspect of the financial crisis you consider, there is a man behind it.

So, it is worth pointing out, this Mother’s Day weekend, how different things might be if the financial world were female. Finance professors Brad Barber and Terrance Odean have found that women’s risk-adjusted returns beat those of men by an average of about one percentage point annually. In short, women trade less frequently, hold less volatile portfolios and expect lower returns than men do.



Financial experience & behaviours among women

In sum, the financial crisis has served to accelerate change and push more women into primary breadwinner roles. They have assumed greater responsibility for financial decision making at a time when financial planning has arguably never been more difficult and the choices never more complex.



Women and Wealth:

Prudential’s 2012–2013 Research Study, “Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women” found that while women are more in control of their finances than ever before, they face significant challenges with financial decision making, and a study on the gender gap in financial literacy concluded that women are falling further behind in many key areas of financial planning, most notably in two critical areas: money management, which is the foundation of all financial planning, and investing, which is crucial to women being able to build wealth.”



Gender Gap in Financial Literacy

In general, women are doing a better job at planning for longer term goals and protecting their wealth, but having a harder time with basic money management skills and investing, both of which are more transactional in nature and often entail more hands-on management and quick decision making.



Why women are better investors

A new study suggests that the risk-averse strategy of many female investors yields more profit than men’s more frenetic, reactive tactics



Women are better investors, and here’s why

Commentary: Call it the Weiner principle: men self-destruct

A new study by Barclays Wealth and Ledbury Research found that women were more likely to make money in the market, mostly because they didn’t take as many risks. They bought and held. Women trade this way because they aren’t as confident — or perhaps as overconfident — as men, the study found.



Are women better investors?

….According to Selftrade, for example, 10 years ago only 17% of its clients were women – in 2010 they accounted for 39%. However, while the investment gender gap may be gradually closing, research suggests women and men do not think in the same way when it comes to investing.



How Men’s Overconfidence Hurts Them as Investors

Among 2.7 million people with I.R.A.’s at the company, it found that during the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, men were much more likely than women to sell their shares at stock market lows. Those sales presumably meant big losses — and missing the start of the market rally that began a year ago.




As Investors, Women Less Knowledgeable and Interested than Men, But Make Fewer Mistakes (And Don’t Repeat Them as Often)





We document that men trade 45 percent more than women. Trading reduces men’s net returns by 2.65 percentage points a year as opposed to 1.72 percentage points for women.

“It’s not what a man don’t know that makes him a fool, but what he does know that ain’t so.” ~Josh Billings, nineteenth century American humorist



Women: Better Advisors?

Some studies have shown that women are better investors than men — they’re typically more patient and conservative, which can translate into better results.

But does that mean female financial advisors provide different investment advice than their male peers? According to top female advisors, the answer is no. When it comes to things like picking stocks or building a well-diversified portfolio, there is no gender gap. Says  Meg Green, CEO of Meg Green & Associates in Miami:  “Asset allocation has nothing to do with what’s under your skirt.”



Women Are Less Satisfied Than Men

According to the Sullivan Study, women as a group are less satisfied than men with the performance of their investment professionals.



Bridging the Gender Gap

She points out that men and women often differ on money’s meaning in their lives. In 2008, for example, she found that women could live with their portfolio losses provided they were still able to achieve their goals. In contrast, male clients tended to focus more on money as a result or a score. “Money is much more, I think, of a lifestyle to women; what I found with men, it was much more about the number,” she says. “They [men] were like, ‘Well, I had US$10 million; now I have US$5 million. It doesn’t matter that I could still meet my goals; it’s really the number that’s important as the mark.’”


Women in Alternative Investments: Building Momentum in 2013 and Beyond

“…our survey shows women in the alternative investment industry may be moving inexorably closer to a long-awaited tipping point.”



Why women investors get better returns

In her book, Warren Buffett Invests Like a Girl: And Why You Should Too,  LouAnn Lofton, author and Online Content Editor for Motley Fool, argues that “Warren Buffett, (US businessman, widely considered to be the most successful investor in the world) and the women of the world have one thing in common: They are better investors than the average man”.



What Women Want: Understanding the Modern Female Investor

Importantly, according to our research, just 10% of women are concerned about making financial decisions if “suddenly single” as a result of divorce or widowhood. Yet statistics show that nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce and an astounding 80% of women outlive their husbands. Women need to take more control of their investment portfolios, earlier in their lives.



Examining the Investment Behavior Of High-Income Women in America

When women were involved in investment decisions, many reported making them with their partners rather than alone (the proportion of women to men who did so was large). Men, however, were more likely than women to invest on their own.



Celebrating Women’s History Month: A Closer Look at Female Investors

Meanwhile, a cover story on women’s wealth in Time by “The Richer Sex” author Liza Mundy reports that nearly 4 in 10 working women out-earn their husbands – an increase of more than 50 percent over two decades – and notes that if this trend continues, the next generation will find more families supported by women than men.



The Rise of the Female Investor

The number of women-owned firms increased by 54% between 1997 and 2012—that’s a rate 1½ times the national average. As of 2012, it is estimated that there are over 8.3 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., generating nearly $1.3
trillion in revenue.



Why Females are Better Investors

Stay calm.

Don’t worry about tiny market fluctuations or correction days. The market is going to ebb and flow just like the ocean. You realize this because you’ve lived with cycles since you were about 15.



Investing, It May Be Women’s Work After All

According to a BMO study, just 16% of Canadian women consider themselves aggressive investors, compared to 30% of men; only 13% of women characterize themselves as impulsive investors, versus 21% of men.

Women also do not tend to over-estimate their investing abilities: 49% of women said they are “very inexperienced” when it comes to investing compared to just 34% of men, in a 2012 Hearts & Wallets survey of 5,460 households. Likewise, 42% of women reported being “very uncomfortable” taking on investment risk versus a slim 28% of men. Overconfidence can be a portfolio killer, so women have an advantage in this regard. Women are inclined to do more research, they take advice and they develop a plan and stick to it.



Mrs. Watanabe, Meet Mrs. Brown



Clients From Venus



Women gain greater financial control but confidence lags
While women’s financial responsibilities continue to grow, their financial knowledge isn’t keeping up. They often lack confidence and consistently rate behind men in understanding financial products and their perceived ability to make financial decisions.





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